this is logical creativity.
All my life I've made stuff. Poetry. Bug castles. Obscure, shelf-cluttering art projects.
Then, in 2012, I stumbled into advertising and got to make stuff for a living.
Communication strategies, advertising, branding and copywriting is my thang. I also believe that creativity can make the world a better place. So if your brand wants to sell a product, service, or make a difference; or your organisation needs help communicating what you do, I'm ya gal. For more info, check out "What work do you do?" in my FAQs.
GOOD is purpose-driven work for brands and organisations. GAIN is the commercial stuff.
Surprised that I put brands and purpose in the same sentence?
Brands have the ability and platform to create a better world.
SPEAKING is because I also offer talks and workshops around how to use creativity to create social change.
AWARDS is because some people care.
Awww shucks, people are so lovely. Want to talk to one of them? Want to add one? Message me below.
let's chat.
Based in Cape Town, South Africa, but thanks to the powers of the internet, I work anywhere.